Jan Hoekstra

Jan Hoekstra, cherry grower
Jan Hoekstra of Fruit Growing Company Hoekstra* is amongst others known for his expertise and in addition for his sustainable method of growing.

Jan Hoekstra uses the GOOD FOR GREENS® products of First Tree for several years and is convinced of their effectiveness.
Jan: ‘Three years ago I started to treat a small area of cherries, apples and plums with GOOD FOR GREENS®. And with succes. Therefore, the year after I have scaled up and this year I have treated all of my cherries, plums and apples with GOOD FOR GREENS®. And I have no regret. The people at First Tree are reliable. They provide higher yields and superior quality.’

Fruit Growing Company Hoekstra is a modern fruit company in Luttelgeest, Flevoland, growing a.o. cherries, plums, apples and soft fruit. The company owns one of the largest and most modern orchards of the North of the Netherlands. And supplies a.o. products to The Greenery auction (Cooperative Coforta). Jan Hoekstra’s company has been ‘Global G.A.P.’ certified for many years (Global Good Agricultural Practice). And thus meets the requirements regarding food safety, sustainability and quality which are laid upon farmers and growers worldwide.

Travaillons ensemble à un monde meilleur
François Bernard, CEO First-Tree B.V.